Sunday, April 22, 2007

Let the Games Begin!

A long time ago, way back in our past,
Super-Battle was engaged, and we all had a blast,
There was Captain Invincible, tall, strong and clever,
who went pinch came to shove, never failed to deliver,
versus the genius Lordy, the evil mastermind behind it all,
who had countless hordes of minions to answer his call.

As these titans clashed, others joined in the fray,
looking for glory, or honour, or who just wanted to play.
At the start, we had many and mayhem ensued,
with plotlines all twisted, all tangled and confused,
but with some creative writing, these plots became clearer,
until tragedy stuck with the death of our server.

However once it had started, it had to go on,
there was no chance of stopping, til the fat lady had finished her song,
And so it continued, the Super-Battle II,
with a plotline all shiny and sparkly and new,
While still open to all, there was now an overall plan,
the original two aided by 009 and Sub-Atomic Man.

And wonder of wonders, it actually worked out,
The Super-Battle finished with a bang and a shout,
with plotlines consistent, and some really good posts,
we felt justified indulging in both brags and boasts,
and there we left it, for our paths went different ways,
our writings to be resurected again on some future day.

That day has arrived, the gang's back together,
looking for writing amusing, witty and clever,
The Captain's turned Radical, and moved far away,
A pity, for I needed to test my death laser ray,
009 is nearby in an undisclosed location,
saving his World, before heading off on vacation.

Sub-Atomic Man can now line-dance, a curious skill,
one he picked up, while travelling Texas muttering "Must ... Not ... Kill" ...
And we have a new contender, Da Kings entered the room,
knowing back nitrogylcerin, cos he likes the way it makes his stomach go BOOM!
And so it must end, my very first post -
Thanks, you've been a great crowd, and I've been Lordy your host.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Nice one Max Radical! Although I'll never know where you found my confirmation photo...

Monday, April 9, 2007

Here comes a new challenger!

Codename: Da King
Primary Skill: Rocking the house
Secondary Skill: Distracting and disturbing ladies
Weakness: Inability to keep nurses alive for any length of time.
Emergency Tactic: Double rocking the house
Years of training have gifted Da King with a solid adamntinium stomach. From acid bombs to kryptonite grenades, he can simply drink whatever threatens the team with no ill effects. Unfortunately being the "King of All Stomachs" doesn't actually pay well so he hides in an office building during the day pretending to be successful.

Quote: They think they found all the nurses.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Everything has an origin. The origin of this site is far better than yours, since it doesn't involve your parents having sex.

In there beginning was the SuperBattle, written by students physically or socially crippled by caving accidents and science degrees, and it was good. Jokes were cracked, subjects were parodied and a good time was had by all. There was even good writing as this was in a time before 'blogs' when many things online were actually thought out and well-written. Since then most of the group has been scattered from the fabled pastures of Dublin as far afield as Texas, Toronto and even TOP SECRET LOCATIONS.

Now we're pulling a bit of the net back. We're putting the team back together. A crack clique of comedy commandos here to quip and kick ass as the situation requires. Though many records of these agents actions have been destroyed, or are simply too embarrassing to talk about, these files were salvaged.

Codename: Max Radical
Primary Skill: TurboDynuber
Secondary Skill: Distracted by shiny objects
Weakness: Stealth, tact, not breaking things.
Emergency Tactic: Hyperkinetic volume

It has been theorised that Max does not have blood, but a novel caffeine compound capable of transporting oxygen. Scientists have not yet managed to hold him still long enough to get a sample
Quote:I am Invincible! I live!
Codename: Lordy
Primary Skill: Evil
Secondary Skill: Terrorise. Kill. Destroy.
Weakness: Any substance that reacts badly to sleaze
Emergency Tactic: Boozahol

Wherever there are fine ladies, there you will find Lordy wedging himself in and demanding that photos be taken to prove it happened. A master of strategy and tactics, and as soon as the Geneva Convention is changed to state "All warfare must be fought according to the ruleset of Breath Of Fire" he will be promoted to Field Marshall of Earth

Quote: Excellent
Codename: Sub-Atomic Man
Primary Skill: Explaining that his codename isn't based on any 'personal' characteristics
Secondary Skill: No, really, it's because I have these shrinking powers - no, I mean....
Weakness: Texans
Emergency Tactic: California girls.

Recently finished with a PhD in not destroying priceless telescopes in a remote desert outpost in Texas. He hopes to move on to not destroying things located within the bounds of civilisation, and maybe even talk to a stranger who isn't carrying a concealed machine gun.

Quote: Look, come up to my room and I'll prove it. Oh, wait, you're meant to drink this bottle of tequila first.
Codename: 009
Primary Skill: Espionage
Secondary Skill: CLASSIFIED
Weakness: Trained in multiple secret agent methods of dealing with complaints. Alas, none of them legal.
Emergency Tactic: Cufflink grappling hook

The quintessential secret agent: shaken, di-sturbed. Recently got A TOP SECRET ASSIGNMENT. Is currently trying to find a way to describe what he does without using ALL CAPS.
Quote: Ladiesh, pleashe, form an orderly queue.

This fearsome foursome will tackle one theme per fortnight, each member posting an item of any style or kind based on the concept. We'll be taking it in turns to set the theme/quote/concept: The first theme is Origins, and this has been my post.